sobota 7. května 2011


There is nothing that we as individuals can do to prevent climate change

Nowadays climate is changing, rare animals are dying out and woods are disappearing. As a matter of fact, the Czech Republic is the one of six poluters in EU. Many people don´t realize that they destroy the nature and future life of their family. That´s amazing how a small country can make such a mess.

There is no point in changing yourself when the others are the same poluters. In most cases people are lazy and apathetic to help the nature. In addiction, everyone will choose to sit in a car than be with homeless people in public transport (trolley buses, subways, etc.). Not only people pollute enviroment, but also big companies namely AccelorMittal do so. It is their business and it makes some money. Naturally, they don´t care about the enviroment. Anyway, an individual can influence ther people.

In conclusion, we destroy each other. An individual doesn´t change the world but quantity of individuals can change the enviroment. Actually, is not it too late?

Nový prostor v Opavě - Gottfrei

Gottfrei, se nachází za klubem 13 na krnovské ulici. Prostor není moc velký, jedno wc, pár školních židlí ala 90. léta. Podlaha dřevěná a na zdech visí obrazy Josefa Burdy. Žádný bar, žádné stoly...vypadá prázdně, ale přesto má své kouzlo. Doporučuji navštívit